Friday, December 20, 2013

Weekend December 14th and 15th, and Monday and Tuesday

On Saturday we headed to Montana De Oro to hike Valencia Peak,
which Matthew hadn't done yet.  This is the view from where we parked.

This is the caution board.  I'm almost positive I saw a coyote as well!
This is looking towards where we were going.  Climb up the first peak, along a ridge, and then up the next peak!
Looking back, it was a really nice day!
Looking ahead, whew!  It is about 4 miles round trip.
This is between the peaks on the ridge.
Made it!
This is a panoramic done on Matthew's phone.  On the right is Morro Rock and bay, beyond the sand bar.
This is looking back into hill country, wow, it is rough back there!
Okay, I know links are boring but this is pretty cool, really!  It takes a close look at a butterfly's wing.  Close as in REAL close!  This is part one.

We don't go hunting with a gun, but with a camera!  I couldn't tell which were the best ones when loading them on here, but these are a few of MANY!

Here is part 2, where it gets super cool and awesome!  This didn't just 'happen', God designed this and it is wonderful and amazing, and just perfect, just like He had made you.

I don't know if these videos are working, but hopefully so.  It is really weird to go up on a mountain like that, but there is NO wind!  So different from what I'm used to =)
This picture is for Vanessa-mom!

It was spectacular!  This is looking back up at the main peak from the ridge, hard to get the perspective - you'll just have to come out and hike it with us! ;)

Felt great to get out in the fresh (dry) air to get some exercise.

Then we went down to the beach where we went when we were courting.  The tide was way out so we could get to this cave!

It goes probably, hmm,  20 feet back in there.

We saw these from the other side with water splashing up through them when the waves came in.  Interesting to see them from the other side, and just a tiny bit freaky!
Hot dogs were on the menu for dinner and you CAN'T eat hot dogs by yourself, so we invited Austin and Sarah Beth over.  This is taken through the screen door, I thought it turned out kind of cool!  Matthew did a great job grill the hot dogs (all beef), and buns, and we had carrot sticks and 4 kinds of potato chips!
After eating, we played Yahtzee (Matthew left us in the dust!) and introduced them to
Buddy Wasisname 'n' the Other Fellers!
"Me Yammie"

This is Sunday.  I laid my clothes out on the bed and went to get my shower.  When Matthew got dressed, he put on his grey shirt that has a purple stripe through it.  It was fun to coordinate!

Monday morning we went back down to the district office for Matthew to sign papers for the new job.  We got there early and were able to take a picture of this cloud formation we had been watching all the way down.  It was really weird and interesting.  Any explanations anybody?

I suggested it was the Lord coming back!
While Matthew was in there, I drove into SLO.  I went to the DMV to see what I need to do to get my CA license.  I have to read a book, take a written test, then a driving test, as well as an eye exam.  Fun, fun... Then I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, then Target.  Finally got some containers for bulk things like sugar and flour.  I like them and they fit well in the cupboard so I think I'm going to a few more.  And then I made it back to where Matthew only making one wrong turn!

That evening we were jogging along after Matthew got home from work, when he remembered that we were supposed to be at the Tarwaters between 6 and 7 to look at their computer.  They had gotten a call from 'Microsoft' and gotten their computer hacked into.  I didn't have time to make chicken pot pie, which was the plan, so we went to In 'n' Out for dinner, to the Tarwaters, dropped in on Mom and Dad, Austin and SB, then went to Yogurt Creations to celebrate the official job acceptance!

This is where things all began for us, officially, on January 1st!  Almost one year ago.
Tuesday evening I finished the chicken pot-pie and it was delicious!

The biscuit dough for the top was runny, which worked great
for the potpie, but...

.....even though I added more flour, they still ran everywhere!
You haven't heard of the latest and greatest in cooking?
These are called pancake-biscuits!  Perfect platform for
your favorite jam, jelly, or honey!

This is Matthew working on the computer.  Looks like fun
and good luck to him!
Well, that catches us up to quite recent.  Busy week ahead of us, I'll try to remember to take pictures and share them when I can!  Oh and guess what!!! The ice-skating rink opened Wednesday!!!!  Yay, can't wait to go, and plans to go skiing in a few weeks, too!

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