Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Whirlwind August and the Beginning of September, which is almost gone!

I don't remember which weekend this was, but we finally had time to go hiking again!  
We did Cerro Cabrillo.  From the pictures on top it is easier to explain where it is.
To this point it had been gradual uphill, a nice walk.

This is a bit further.  After going STRAIGHT uphill,
worse than climbing the steps at Signal hill!
It was like if you were going up that hill without the steps there!
 The next 5 pictures are kind of a panoramic.  This is the estuary near Los Osos.

This ridge line was really neat.  It was just huge boulders.

You can see Highway 1 across this picture

 And this one

Oh, that's better ;)

That evening we took Sarah Beth out to dinner and coffee.
Rib Line was great, just go with plenty of time and before you're super hungry!
And Peet's was out of almond milk so they gave me a coupon for a free drink.
I like them! (but not as much as Merry Hill)
It was a fun evening visiting with Sarah Beth.  I love having a little sister :)
Even though she's more mature than me sometimes!!!
Hailey in her "My First Newfoundland T-shirt".
Not sure how to explain this, or how to give perspective,
but this lizard is tiny.   They rock is at least a foot diameter.

This one is for Lucy!  We are always teasing each other about the other's purse.
Lucy carries suitcase so she can have her book, her brush, her pillow, a change of clothes.... J/K
When I saw this one, I had to take a picture as if I was getting it!
Someone is learning to scoot around!
She's crawling around now fast, but all I have is videos.
I'll put them here, maybe it'll work this time, or at least show a few frames.

Baking day!
Pizza stromboli 
Banana muffins and bread, GF
+ 2 dozen zucchini muffins and one loaf of bread!

This oak is at Glen and Annie's.  Oaks are so serene.  I love oaks out in a field.
Lately there have been branches breaking off many trees.
 I'm not sure if it is because of the dryness, or something else.
 Take a moment to look at this closely.
This scrub oak is next to our driveway.  It splits and connects again, multiple times!
I've always found it fascinating and this day I was driving past,
stomped on the brake, backed up a bit, and took a picture. 
Babysitting Hailey!
 Welcome baby Bryson!
Bryson Jeffrey Swift
born to Paige and Ryan 

Pretty petite pink flowers growing in close proximity to the mailbox.


Sorry folks, the only picture I have from Edward and Shelley's wedding!
Daryl (I think it was) was helping packing up stuff and handed this rose to
 Matthew to give to me.  Matthew was videoing and SB took candids
so maybe you'll get to see her album for more pictures of this event :)

Matthew went on a field trip with the cadets to the Theater.
I forget what they saw this time.
Evening at Kevin and Addie's for a welcome to CA party for Blake and Ashley.
Davie and Jennifer brought oysters!  It was my first time having them.
I don't know that I would order them at a restaurant
but they were good and fun to try something new.
Jennifer works on an oyster farm in Morro Bay.
When we were down there for her bachelorette party,
we went to her work and saw her millions of baby oysters!
Really neat to hear her talk about marine life,
she loves it and makes it interesting to hear about.
Kayaking at Avila Beach 
I think Dad and SB are in the kayak on the left.  Matthew and I in the middle front, Nelson and Cherisa behind us, and Austin to the right.  Photo credits to Mom and Hailey :)  We paddled out to the beach near the lighthouse, walked to the lighthouse and went on the big swing some, and then paddled around a bit more and came back.  Then we had a picnic lunch on the beach.  It was a relaxing, fun morning with the family.  BTW and FYI, we all had coupons and gift certificates!

Matthew took me to Bru one morning for coffee.
Yes, I got a Hazelnut almond milk latte.  I was really tired after that for several hours, felt like taking a nap, then I got all wound up, chasing Matthew around the house, laughing hysterically, then started bawling.  I don't think Matthew is going to let me get caffeinated coffee for a long time :)
Foxy neighbor.

Matthew ordered some stuff from amazon and told me there was something for me!
This ended up being his new pillow.
The next day this one appeared.  This package had my present.
An armband for my iPhone!
New skirt, one in blue and one in green that I made!

I love being married to this guy.
He's teaching me lots of things including to be more romantic and not quite so practical, and the art of procrastination.
He's amazingly patient and understanding, even when I don't make sense.  He's always ready to listen, and he offers to help me all the time.  And he tells me I'm amazing even when I've been super lazy and not ironed his pants for work or gone shopping so that there is only avocado and chips for his lunch.  It has been a wonderful 11 months and I'm looking forward to many more <3

hahahah, I love this picture!  We got barstool chairs in this box and the instructions were stuck at the bottom.
He crawled out with styrofoam pieces in his hair.

Card making afternoon!

Whitney and Kylie came out with Diane Stogsdill, and Jessica Frogge.
It was really good to spend some time with them.
Thanks for coming girls and please come again, we miss you already!

Momma used to have this pattern.  She had bought me one similar because she couldn't find the exact one she used to have.  When I saw this one at the thrift store I was certain it was the one she had had, and sure enough, it was!

Doggy sitting Beau!

This book at Paso General Store was really cute!  Each page is taken from a Little Golden Book.
Tootle the Train, We Help Daddy/Mommy, My Baby, Dan the Bandage Man, etc.
It was so much fun!
Organizing the Garage!!  We got shelves for all my containers and other paraphernalia.
In going through all my boxes again, organizing and consolidating, I found some interesting things....

One of my favorite little books, it has a snap to close it.
Whoops, sorry David, I stole your book!
I'm guessing 1st Birthday?
Science project.
Ticket to CA in 1997!
I couldn't find the price, though.
This is a rough draft of a thank you card to Aubrey Amyett.
She gave me a white box that is an photo album.
It was my 12th birthday and I tell her that
"I'm saving it for a very special occasion that I have in mind that will probably happen in 10 years."
Well, 10 years and a few months!

First meeting note book.

Michael's had canvas 67% off.  I've been wanting to try some projects,
so I got a few and started with my first idea (from Pinterest)
Finished product!  Going to be going up on Etsy soon!
Yes, I've started an Etsy store!  There isn't much on it yet, but that is next on my to-do list.
Check it out if you want at: