Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cherisa's baby shower

It was really fun to go to the baby shower.  
Exciting to be welcoming their new little one into the world,
and exciting to me to becoming an aunt out here.  
It was also neat to be with all the ladies and see them working together.
It was really cute!

Several of the ladies put it together at Reanne's house.

They had everyone tally what they thought the baby is.

Annie made the flower arrangement on this table as well as the other table, below.


Aunt Pam, Brad's twin sister.

Cherisa's mother-in-law and sisters-in-law

Don't know if this is going to play for everyone or not, but hopefully.
It is the revelation of the baby's gender!  SO funny to hear.

It's a girl!  And Cherisa hand knit that sweater!

Ashley and Chelsea hanging out in the kitchen, and eating!
Annie made this card!

Denim shorts and denim skirt.

Aunt Deb crocheted this blanket... at the same time she knit an afghan for Matthew and me!

From Aunt Judy - so sweet.

Shane had taken the girls for the morning.  I think Summer was glad to be home!
She is so cute.

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