Thursday, May 29, 2014

This, that, and Matthew's b-day

Cherisa and I have been trying to get together to exercise when we can.
It had been fun to spend time with her and see Hailey more often :)
She lays on her blanket and watches us.  I think she like jumping-jacks the best!

Matthew's work picture.
Isn't he handsome?!
Costco trip with mom and Cherisa...
texting Matthew pictures to figure out what coffee he wanted!

And the temp that day ;-/
 Downtown SLO date!
A lady from Atascadero schools was making a video for a teacher that is retiring this year.  Matthew had been a student and worked with him, so she asked him to say a little something on a video clip for the retirement party.  Then we went to dinner at Mo's, walked through the Farmer's Market (Thursday evening), saw one platoon of cadets from Matthew's work (got to meet some of the cadre and a few of the cadets), then
Peet's for coffee
Sunset from top of parking garage
and a selfie!

We got home to a stuffy, warm house, so sat out on the deck until after dark.  This bug nearly ran into me and scared me!  My thoughts of sleeping out on the deck quickly vanished ;)

Hailey doing tummy time while we exercised.

A passage that caught my attention, esp. verse 19

Matthew FINALLY ordered new shoes -
his old ones have worn through the soles!

Cool car.

Sorry this is sideways....
"Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives." Francis Chan (?)

Glen and Annie's backyard.
 Matthew's 25th Birthday!

He grilled tri-tip with his new iGrillmini thermometer for dinner.
Then the family came over for dessert (which was a flop, so we had mint-chip ice cream instead;)

Closing his eyes, while Dad brought in their b-day gift to him, a beach chair that matches mine ;)

Pretty good, think I'll stick to mom/Matthew's recipe

Ordered a skein of lacing twine to finish the braided rug.
They sent a magazine, and I drooled over the patterns and beautiful yarn.
If anybody wants to knit me something.... =)

Sorry they are all which way....

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