Wednesday, September 13, 2017

#7 Queenstown and Leaving

The Remarkables from Queenstown. Major skiing/snowboarding destination in the winter!lakeThis little craft caught our attention! Looked like SO much fun! It can go under water and then pop out like a dolphin jumping out of the water!boatlakelakelakeSeveral HUGE trees along the far side of the town next to the lake.water sportsSo many water sports going on.qthappening placeYes, parasailing on the left and steam boat on the rightlakeFergburgerA lady from Matthew's work that had just been to New Zealand said we HAD to try Fergbuger in Queenstown. So we did, after standing in line for about 45 minutes, and apparently that wasn't too bad! It was pretty deliciousdinnerquaintWe both really fell in love with Queenstown and would love to go back! It is super quaint and so much going on in a little city.gardensHuge botanical gardens.bedroom viewThe Remarkables againviewView from our bedroom window.riseSunrise at like 5 something when we got up to catch the airplane to Aukland. queenstown airportremarkablesLast view of Queenstown area ;(post officeAfter settling into our hotel near the airport, we went for a walk. Kind of a strange area, mostly industrial. But this was one restaurant within walking distance, The Post Office. Their menu looks like an envelope and then like this when you open it up. Matthew got snapper over creamed peas and still raves about that too!dinnerEarly the next morning we got on the plane headed to LAX. Some easy reading material...reading materialleaving NZSo sad to be leaving New Zealand and just a little exhausted!bye-byeGood bye New Zealand! Until next time!

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