Friday, June 16, 2017

New Zealand #4 Wanaka

posterThis post is from our time in Wanaka. Here it is on the map. The next post will be Milford Sound so notice the left side of the map and how close it is as the crow flies! It took a full day of driving to get there by the roads!cloudslakeconeBummer this focused on my hand, but do you see the door stop? It is a dropped ice cream cone!dessertlakeThe next pictures aren't in order. The hike was Roy's Peak. 4 miles up a mountain!roy's peakviewtrailThat tower is where we're headedlunchKind of tired of sardines by this point...viewroserocksignlifetimeThanks to our trail friend Marcos we captured this picture of a lifetime!yogascenerySee the tallest peak in this picture? That's Mount Aspiring! Also, the next day we drove back in that valley in the middle of the picturedownwanaka treeThe Wanaka Tree! got to photograph this wold famous sight!treebest friesThe best sweet potato fries with sweet chili sauce and sour cream at Speights!poker slowersboatsSo our AirB&B host, Fred, told us how to hike to see the Rob Roy Glacier! It involved several miles on a gravel road, fording several streams, bottoming out in one, lots of dust, cattle/sheep guards, and nearly being run off the road by crazy drivers! But worth every bit! Also, picking up hitchhikers for a few kilometers on the way back. They parked on the other side of that stream we bottomed out in! They were from IsraeltrailbridgeglimpseboulderWe followed a rushing mountain stream that has carved a steam valley into the hillsfallWe eventually came around a corner to see this. My breath was taken away.fallThat waterfall is over 800 feet high.focusMatthew having fun with the depth of field on his camera phone
flowersWe sat here for a long time and just looked. Occasionally part of the glacier would break off. It would crumble down into the rocks which funneled it back together and it would come pouring out like a waterfall, roaring the whole time.glacierrivergateWe thought this self closing gate was pretty nifty! Made Matthew think of his dad and me think of Poppa Clem!
mt aspiring?A little more yoga after two big hiking days and before sitting in the car for hours!

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