Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Aunt Laura's visit!

Wednesday, the 9th of April, was a whirlwind day full of fun!
Did Pine Mountain with Mom.
Yes, I know this is dorky, but hey, it was hot and helped a lot!
(Matthew's lucky fishing hat... though he hasn't caught one fish while wearing it as far as I know!)
I had my first chiropractor appointment with Dr. Cohen!  Vanessa-mom dropped me off and Matthew got there a few minutes later to get in on some of it.

Sushi at Kai Lana with Tess, Matthew's previous co-worker at Atascadero Schools.
 After dinner, we drove down to SLO train station to pick 
Aunt Laura Hull up and take her back to Jim and Carol's.

Mom picked me up, then we went to get Aunt Laura.  
Aunt Carol was babysitting Charissa for the day (her granddaughter).
She loves 'all around the garden'!

After thrifting til we dropped, Aunt Laura wanted to take us to lunch somewhere authentically Central coastish.
We got Taco de Mexico and then drove over and ate next to Atascadero Lake.

She stayed for the afternoon, Matthew grilled chicken for supper, then they had fun jamming together!

Aunt Laura was dropped off after noon on Saturday, and we went for a drive out Adelaide, 46, and Old Creek Road (? I think it was that one?)  It was so green, wild flowers everywhere!  Really pretty!

It wasn't quite time to eat when we arrived in Cambria, so we walked the board walk and took pictures.

Anybody know what these are called?

Matthew got really close to this squirrel even though he didn't have food.

This little bird would throw its head back and sing!
Don't know if the video below will play or not...

 Then we went to Main Street for dinner!

This is hard to see, taken through two layers of glass, but if you look closely you will see a dog, golden retriever, in the passenger side of this vehicle.  I was very impressed with the way it sat there, watching people walk by, patiently waiting for its owner to come.

Nit-wit ridge, the crazy house!

Going home it was even prettier.  The horizon was dark in the east, with the sun setting behind us.

Thanks for coming Aunt Laura!  It was fun to show you around a bit and spend some time with you!

We went back to Mom and Dad's for tea and dessert, then took her to Bill and Wynell's.  
She left Sunday morning on the train, headed back down south.

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